Monday, April 5, 2010

baby i am DOWN DOWN DOWN =.=

i know this post might create a serious conspiracy between many parties but then this post might also make all of us realize the importance of friends in our life :)

let me separate the two different parties : team A and team B

okay. both have pros and cons. i mean goodness and wrongness perhaps. there is no such thing that i want to create a havoc / drama / battle between them but yeah, who cares? we cannot satisfy anyone!

argh, so hard to begin. but anyway, to make it simple. team A and B are basically same but the only difference is they came from different backgrounds. not that big lah but still. lets assume the situation as in one of the reality shows which is Akademi Fantasia and lets separate between boys and girls. no offense okay? i dont like it either. they become friends since they registered for the competition. likewise, dramas always happen in the show but then sometimes they have to learn on how to handle the problems right?

okay lets put u guys in team B group which u guys always feel being discriminated by the other groups but you have no guts to talk about it with the other group. oh so complicated =.- somehow, u're attacked! by one of the team A people who said that you did not cooperate with the team members and did not perform well on the night before. just once okay once. but honestly, u've tried your best and initially, you did help the other groups until your jobs were not done but the other group did not know exactly. so, to make it short, they were just ambushed you with the wrongness that you only did once for no reasons.

do you feel like *^%$#@%^&*???!! YES YOU DO RIGHT??!!

and the day after u discovered that they were attacking you because of one reason which i cant tell sorry.

and every single thing you do with them are seen as WRONG! TOTALLY WRONG! *oi emotional!

and because of this, you feel like you want to commit suicide. how fun is that dudes?!

and i dont even know when the story will end..............

okay done with the story. do u guys understand? better do or else i'll punish you. i took only 10 mins to create this post and i dont bother to check on the grammars instead! bye! *lega

to be continued..... maybe.... soon... just wait and see....


Cik Akma said...

dearr cool~
jgn down down down :)

Anna Boleyn said...

ur english is good! kagum! hmm~just be strong. AS u said..we cannot satisfy anyone :)

[~ killerzonboard~ ] said...


shazzy :) said...

thnks kak akma :)

shazzy :) said...

tq anne , yeah ;')

shazzy :) said...

tyah paham pon takpe =.=

[~ killerzonboard~ ] said...

nak paham jugak!!!
mehla habq mai kat ceq noh..
hahaha =p

Seeeee-Arrr said...

"baby are you down down down"

lagu tema Jackal depan UiTM

shazzy :) said...

hahahaha taknak bgtau la!

shazzy :) said...

okay (:


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