Tuesday, March 16, 2010

step out, help out :)

oink oink ! sakit belakang :(
went to sunway yesterday , cerita laen hari but skrg back pain gile gile punye . plus, bendera merah berkibar di angkasa ! hahaha jadi tolong jangan buat saye marah .

anda ape khabar ? ceh ceh :P saye nak tnye , ade tak antara kalian yg bace blog saye ne org kaye-kaye anak datok ke ape ke yg bermurah hati nak bli tiket untuk ke charity dinner RM70 each . lotsa performances(saye pon masuk tau , DANCING ) yuhihuihhui and of courseeee good food will be served to you guys ! :) anyway, this is for a good cause so kalo anda boleh tolong saye amat berbesar hati skali :)

okay okay this is a picture of us and the owner of the charity place yg ktorg nak tolong ne . name tempat tu ialah stepping stones dan terletak di taman seputeh dkat ngn mid valley .

actually, each one of us is assigned to sell 10 tickets. we have to sell all 350 tickets if possible . ape yg penting ? KERJASAMA ! yes ! teamwork ! miahaha but then i know susah oh even tho hanye 10 ticket . so, kalo anda berminat tolong bgtau saye ye ? saye punye banyak bende nak settle so takleh nak merantau g jual2 kat umah2 sblh .

so, skrg saye nak bg awak menjelajah ape yg ade kat stepping stones and atas sbb ape ktorg nak tolong umah ne . bytheway, saye mungkin tak dapat nak tolong rakan-rakan melayu yg lagi susah dr mereka ne tapi ape salahnye , kate 1 Malaysia kan ? rezeki ade dimana-mana :)

guess what ? this is the entrance . yes ! the entrance . tepi2 jalan umah setinggan .

mmg daif gile ah kan . okay tak sedaif umat2 islam kat afghanistan tu but then cube pk balik , bkn ke dorg pon layak dibantu ?

ngan atap bocornye :(

yea , awak tgok dalam gamba je ? saye pegi kat tmpt tu tros . tapi saye bukan kesian kat budak2 ne sbb dorg miskin . yela kesian la jgak but then paling kesian bile the owner said that these kids are not allowed to go out, involve in any sports or do anything that can make them laugh if they dont perform well in each exam . gile ke ? u guys imagine kne mnghadap buku je then kalo fail mst takleh kua umah . somehow, saye pling sdeyh sbb dorg kan dr kluarge susah so ape la salahnye kalo kasi dorg chill jap en ? haih , manusia manusia ;/

awk tolong promote kat kwn2 awak ye ? any inquiries sila click sini .


[~ killerzonboard~ ] said...

p/s: i knw u guys actually hav an uneasy feelings wif diz thing rite..

Azizah Omar said...

ksian nye. msh rmai lg fmily yg susah. hurm.

shazzy :) said...

hakimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , tau takpe :( me and fazlin were thinking abt the same thing , cuak kot :/

shazzy :) said...

yeah ;/

[~ killerzonboard~ ] said...

akim on xbrape arif bab2 ni..
try tnye org yg lbh arif.. mcm ustazah2 kat sri kdu tu ke..

shazzy :) said...

tapi kan everywhere ade bende tu oh . tapi dah terlambat kot kalo nak tnye pon ;/


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